Buy Generic Cialis Online in Italy Without Prescription

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The problem of impotence is a widespread disease among men, so the question of its elimination is urgent. Doctors have developed many methods of treating the disease, and the pharmaceutical market is constantly updated with new drugs that make it possible to eliminate erection problems. One such medication is Cialis.

What is Cialis?

Cialis is a PDE5 medication that you can buy without a prescription. Its main purpose is the treatment of erectile dysfunction (inability to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual intercourse). The application of this remedy allows you to increase the volume of blood in the tissues of the penis. This results in a prolonged erection. At the same time, the product does not produce a positive effect if there is no sexual arousal.

What are the characteristics of the active substance Tadalafil?

Tadalafil is the active ingredient in Cialis. It starts working after 30 minutes of sexual arousal. The erection improves and the man is able to successfully complete sexual intercourse. The action of the pill remains in the body for 36 hours. The effectiveness of the substance is confirmed by clinical trials, in which thousands of men have participated. If we take into account patient reviews, 80% of them noticed a complete recovery of erectile function, and the other 20% noticed a significant reduction in symptoms of the dysfunction. Tadalafil allows men not to adjust to the effect of the pills, but promotes a normal sex life and quality sex.

Why is it called Generic Cialis?

As stated above, Tadalafil is the active ingredient in the drug Cialis. It was originally seen as a treatment for cardiovascular problems. But it has given side effects in the form of erections, even in older subjects. This effect was the main reason for the further spread of Tadalafil in pharmacies. The creation of drugs on this basis revolutionized the world of men with sexual impotence. Today, the popularity of the product is only growing worldwide. It is manufactured by one of the largest companies in the world – ELI LILLY and Company.

The Main Difference Between a Generic and an Original

Many customers often wonder how much generic drugs differ from the original Cialis online. In fact, companies that produce analogues of the drug use the same formula that is used in the production of the original. It contains the same active ingredient, so in most cases there is little difference. The generic may differ from the original in the production technology and composition of the excipients.

The selection of add-ons is the most difficult task in the production of analogues. They are the ones that directly affect the quality and efficiency of the product, that is, they are able to:

  • Influencing activity: increase or decrease it.
  • It changes font for a variety of reasons.
  • To influence pharmacokinetics.
  • Regulate the absorption of the active ingredient from the dosage forms.

This means that even with a slight change in the formula, the excipients can significantly change the effect of Generic Cialis (Tadalafil) in the body.

Generic and original Cialis for the treatment of potency problems have a big price difference. This is due to the fact that analog companies have not spent millions of dollars and years on the development of the active ingredient. Thanks to this, the treatment of erection problems has become more accessible for most men in our country. All of this explains why the growth of generics in the drug market is rapidly increasing.

What’s in the product?

1 tablet of Cialis consists of tadalafil 5 mg and additional components: lactose monohydrate, etc. The tablet itself is coated with a light brown coating and has an oblong shape. Cialis is supplied to pharmacies in a cardboard box of 1-2 blister packs with tablets in each box.

The Difference Between Cialis and Viagra

There are many drugs that improve male potency. Some of them, such as Viagra and Cialis, are the leaders. What are their main differences?

The appearance of Viagra has been brilliantly successful in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Its active ingredient, sildenafil, was the first blocker to be approved by the FDA. Some of the main benefits of the drug include:

Side effects after taking the tablets occur only in case of overdose. They are characterized by vision problems, stomach pain, hot flashes, or headaches. If the pill is taken together with high-fat foods, the speed of action is reduced. Alcohol is also not allowed.

As soon as the Viagra company ran out of patent, a new product, Cialis (tadalafil), entered the market. It became more advanced and allowed:

  1. Increase the duration of the effects of Cialis by 36 hours (in the presence of a strong stimulant).
  2. Reduce the exposure time to 30 minutes.
  3. Combine the tablet intake with alcohol and any food.

Side effects are also present, but they are less pronounced than with Viagra.

No one can give an exact answer as to which is better than Cialis or Viagra. The efficacy of the inhibitors is the same, but the result is different for everyone.

Who is the product for

The indication for the prescription of Generic Cialis (Tadalafil) is erectile dysfunction in men, as well as benign prostatic hyperplasia.

What is the effect of the medicine?

The main action of the inhibitor in Generic Cialis is to stimulate the blood circulation of the male penis by dilating the blood vessels and filling the corpus cavernosum.

Course Tips

It is not necessary to take a tablet of Generic Cialis (Tadalafil) before starting sexual intercourse. It is taken once a day. It starts its action from 16-30 minutes. For middle-aged men, the maximum dose can be up to 20 mg.

What do I need to know before making an appointment?

To achieve the desired effect of taking tadalafil in Generic Cialis, you need to have an arousal object nearby. The drug doesn’t work like that (without sexual arousal).

Dosage and Its Types

The dose a doctor may recommend is 5 mg of Tadalafil (1 tablet per day). A patient should use it at the same time, regardless of sexual activity. The duration of pharmacological treatment with Cialis Generic is determined by a doctor individually for each patient.

Daily Cialis – for continuous use

Daily use of Cialis has a therapeutic effect and helps to eliminate erectile dysfunction.

Who should not take the medication

The intake of Generic Cialis is strictly limited for people under the age of 18, as well as for those who use drugs high in organic nitrates at the same time. The drug is also not used by women.

Interaction of the active substance with drugs and alcohol

When evaluating the effects of Cialis (Tadalafil) on the body, it has been determined that it is positively compatible with the following foods:

  • Alcohol compatibility. Cialis Generic does not lose the speed and duration of action (unlike Viagra) while using it concomitantly with alcoholic beverages.
  • Food compatibility. Tadalafil is compatible with almost all foods. But it is not recommended to take a therapeutic dose together with grapefruit, as the citrus reduces its active effect.

What medications should not be combined with Cialis?

With the intake of 1 tablet of Cialis once a day, the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is reached on the 5th day.

Concomitant use of tadalafil with erythromycin or itraconazole increases the effect of the former. When antacids are taken, the activity of the drug is reduced.


Headaches and dyspepsia are more common. Myalgia, back pain, hot flashes, hot flashes, runny nose, and dizziness are less common. In this regard, refrain from driving during the first few days of use.

A decrease in sperm concentration was also observed in patients, which was associated with more frequent ejaculation. Generic Cialis also has no direct effect on the formation of male sex hormones (testosterone, FLH). No adverse effects of Cialis on male fertility have been found.


Tadalafil should be taken as prescribed by your doctor and the dose should be strictly adhered to. This reduces the risk of adverse effects. If the maximum tolerated dose has been exceeded, symptomatic treatment should be administered.

The optimal conditions for storing Cialis are an air temperature of no more than 30° C.


Even though tadalafil can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy or ordered online, it is very dangerous to prescribe it yourself. The patient himself must understand his responsibility for the use of drugs that are not vital to him. Before starting a course of Generic Cialis, it is worth consulting a doctor.